Wednesday, January 10, 2007

3 Down 22 To Go

We’ve had three radiation treatments as of today. Things are going well and mom is doing fine…a little tired, but fine.

We met with her radiologist, Dr, Macko today and she said so far, so good. Mom had x-rays the first two days and Dr. Mack explained today that the reason they do that is so she can verify that the radiation’s trajectory is being aimed at the places she mapped out in our “meet and greet” visit.

That’s kind of cool that even though the doctor’s not there, she knows exactly what is going on.

Tomorrow, I will be passing the baton to my brother, Andy. Because radiation is five days straight for almost a month, he is going to take mom a few days out of the week. It’s been a long five months and with school starting on Monday, it’s helpful to have a back-up – even the best of us needs a break every now and then. I know mom is ready for a few days without doctors and/or appointments. But once this is all over and done with – Vegas, baby…Vegas!

All in all it was a good day today. We stopped at a little European coffee shop today for a panini and a cup of joe and then did a little shopping.

Be kind to one another and blessings to you all!