Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Day Light Come and Momma Go Home!

Did you ever have those days when you just wanted to move to a tropical island?

Can I just say what a crazy, pain in the rump the past three days have been? We have had drama on and off the courts and if one was to rate it on the Fujita Scale it would be an F6,but as mom was telling me today, this too shall pass.

I spent the day with her yesterday plucking crazy eye-brow hairs. She’s so cute..gosh forbid someone should see a uni-brow! They thinned out after chemo, but now it seems like the hair is growing quickly.

Today was indeed a new day. The follow-up CT scan shows that we are making progress in clearing up that lovely staph infection and I am glad to report that they finally took out the catheter and she actually had a decent meal. Let’s just say that this hospital food is by far the worst she has eaten and that’s bad for an Italian…we are foodies! So today I snuck in some eats from Jason’s Deli. She had a nice big bowl of veggie soup and a half a turkey sammie. She said it’s the best food she has had in days…and pop enjoyed his smuggled in Reuben.

We had a nice long visit today, and I am glad to report that momisan is back. She seemed a little off yesterday, but was rather spunky today. I think she is just glad to be going home tomorrow.

I will meet up with pop at the hospital and follow them to the house and help in getting her settled in. I am sure a nice long shower and a good sleep in her bed will do wonders.

In the next few days we will be following up with her oncologist and we will know for sure whether the journey for this family has come to an end or if we have one other stop to make before this crazy train pulls into its final station. So please continue to pray for good news on the oncology/CT home front. But if we have to continue with treatment, we are strong and have vowed to see mom through until the end.

I started this blog with a simple observation that Cancer has the ability to bring a family to its knees and shake it to the very core, but sometimes you have to hit rock bottom to know what you and others are truly made of. Someone once asked me how we have managed to do this for seven months. The answer is simple…family. And by family I mean immediate and those special individuals that have known us for so long that they qualify as extended family. Friends who have offered to take mom to appointments or drop off meals or just spend some time with her so Andy, pop and I could recharge and regroup to fight another day.

In the end, that’s really what it is all about – the ability to count on others to lessen the complications in your life so you can focus on the bigger picture. So once again for all those near and dear to mom (and us) we thank you for your prayers, kind words, generous offers and commitment to being with us for the long haul.
