My husband James and I spent Easter with his grandma in San Angelo. While it was a bit hard to leave momisan behind (I am so use to seeing her and talking to her on an almost daily basis), but if we wanted to spend time with James’ family, now was the time to do it…while mom was healthy and doing well. We had no idea what her doctor would say yesterday, so when it comes to Cancer, you have to ““carpe diem” – seize the day!
Momisan and pop were in goods hands. Andy was staying in town incase they needed anything and they had planned on going to church together on Easter Sunday. So I felt a lot better about leaving town. Besides, my husband has been wonderful for the past eight months, and his granny is 87 and such a remarkable woman and I know it is important for him (and I) to spend time with her while we can.
We had a wonderful visit, despite the fact that it was snowing for Easter! Yes indeed...the weather in Texas can be extremely unpredictable and it was just odd to see snow and temperatures hovering near 29 degrees while visiting west Texas. I called mom and each day she or pop gave me an update on the weather and how things were going. Apparently it was just as cold in Dallas as it was in San Angelo.
We got back to Dallas around dinner time on Sunday and on our way home I called mom to remind her of our doctor’s appointment this morning. The first words out of her mouth were, “I miss you.” I see that twelve step program in her immediate future! :o)
She told me all about her day and how she had shared a very special moment with my wingman, Andy, at church - she had a wonderful weekend!
She proceeded to tell me about something that transpired while I was gone and while I won’t go into all the details, I would like to kindly remind people who are around Cancer patients to not guilt them (or have others guilt them) into doing anything that they are not ready to do. If a Cancer patient says that they are not ready to do something, leave it at that and move on. By goading them on it does nothing except upset them and remind them of things that they can not currently do. Not to mention that it then falls upon the support team to lift them out of that funk.
When I got home, there was a message on our answering machine from the Dolly Momma herself. I won’t divulge the message in its entirety because as I stated at the beginning of my blog, there are some things that are given as gifts and not meant to be shared. But I will tell you that the voice leaving the message was tearfully explaining how much it means to her to have me as her daughter and how she feels like the most loved mother on the face of the earth…I have got her so fooled! ;o)
You know you are A number One momisan – you are the heart and soul of this family and we intend to keep you around for many more years.
I arrived at Casa de Longo around 9:00am yesterday and I found momisan rocking in her chair looking pretty darn good. She had on make-up and busted out the “hottie” wig and she was in good spirits for the oncology meeting.
Before we headed out for Medical City, we had a little time to kill and we started talking about family. It’s been a rough eight months for momisan, and when Cancer throws the spotlight onto your family, there is no where to hide. I shared with mom my thought for the day. Family, like any other relationship is a living, breathing thing. You get out of your family exactly what you put into it…it’s that simple. If you want love, compassion, patience, acceptance and any other positive, you had better make darn sure that you invest those same qualities into your family – otherwise don’t be shocked when you get the opposite. Of course the Dolly Momma tossed in the old, “reap what you sow” words of wisdom and she is absolutely correct. Family is the greatest assest one can have, especially when battling Cancer - think of family as a savings account - you have to "put in" in order to "take out" otherwise you'll find yourself over drawn and in the negative column ...and those are the times that you will need that "investment" the most...during the difficult phases of life. So make time to invest in family. ;o)
As we piled into the car, we started discussing the only two scenarios that were possibly yesterday. Either Dr. Munoz would say that everything looks good and no more treatments or we would be gearing up for another round of chemo.
We patiently waited for Dr. Munoz to come into the consultation room and when he finally came through the door, he was reviewing the novel known as mom’s medical folder. He put down the file and asked mom how she was feeling. Mom told him good and they chit-chatted for a few minutes. The he looked at mom and told her she was done. After one major surgery, three rounds of chemo, twenty five radiation treatments and one lengthy hospital stay…she was pronounced NED (no evidence of disease)! Thank you Lord for answering our prayers!
Did I mention that we are NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, before I proceed, for those not familiar with the crazy train called Cancer, NED does not mean that she is cured. It simply means that at this time all signs of the disease have disappeared after treatment and it can not be detected using current tests (PET scans/CT/CAT scans.) If this response is maintained for a long period, it is called a durable remission. The longer a patient is in remission the better the prognosis or outcome. However, as with other cancers, the disease could still possibly return and long-term follow-up is necessary.
But NED is FABULOUS!!! That is what momisan’s doctors have been fighting for…getting her to NED! This is what her family has been fighting for, NED! This is what her friends have been praying for, NED!
Did I mention we have NED!!!!!!!!!!!!
So as we started to comprehend exactly what Dr. Munoz was saying, the tears of joy and thankfulness started to flow. And as Dr. Munoz started to pass out the Kleenex he told momisan that she was a beautiful woman and he did not want to see her for three months – at which time we would do another scan to determine if we still had NED.
As we headed towards the exit of the oncologist office, the entire staff came out to celebrate our victory. There were hugs and tears just about everywhere you looked. And as I squeezed each member of our Dream Team, I could hear bits and pieces of a conversation momisan was having with another patient. And as I worked my way toward her, I heard her say…”I never would have thought the youngest one would have saved my life. She has been with me since day one and is my angel.” Well…that made the tears flow even more! :o)
And then she started talking about Andy…sorry wingman – I lost it after that and didn’t really hear what she said – but I am sure it was good…it’s all good, my brother!
Did I mention we have NED!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As I continued to work my way through the staff, my cell phone rang – it was my wingman, Andy. And through my tears, I uttered three little words…’We have NED!”
Of course, I forgot to tell him what NED was. So I had to elaborate, “We did it Andy…momisan has no evidence of disease and there are no more treatments at this time.” Well…as a founding member of Team Loco, you can imagine how he took that news. It was difficult to tell who was crying harder.
Then I called my husband, who has been my rock for eight long months and told him, “Momisan is NED!” Of course, he thought I said she was mad, but after I explained to him the conception of NED, I heard his voice crack as he asked to speak to the Dolly Momma.
As mom and I made our way to the car, she was squeezing my hand so hard that the blood stopped flowing! And as the elevator descended, tears flowed down my face. I thanked the good Lord for keeping our family together. While I am more of a spiritual person than religious, I do believe in God. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior and I believe that He did not forget us. He answered our prayers and sent his Spirit to momisan resulting in NED.
We crossed the parking lot doing our NED victory dance and as we headed towards home, I told mom that I wanted to take her to a nice lunch to celebrate.
As we sat in the restaurant reflecting upon the past eight months, our thoughts turned to those still fighting. We raised a glass to show our solidarity with each and every one of you and your families. Be strong, keep the faith, find comfort in the arms of those who love and support you and keep fighting the fight. We will continue to pray for each and every one of them and their families that they may receive the same good news that turned out to be our Easter blessing.
Words can not express the depth of our gratitude and love for all those who have prayed for this family for the past eight months, rejoice knowing that He heard and answered. Now this does not mean that your work with Team LoCo is complete, we still need those prayers to get pop to keep them coming. I know...I rest for the weary! :o)
As I dropped momisan off at her house and headed home, I had to stop the car because my eyes got so watery, I could not see the road. I was overwhelmed by the miracle to make good on my promise – I vowed at the beginning of this crazy train ride that whatever came our way, or whatever happened, we would face it together - no man left behind – win, lose or draw, we would leave this battlefield together…and we did. We left on our terms, not Cancer’s and that’s the most blessed way to go!
Did I mention we have NED!!!!
Next week, we will be celebrating this victory by participating in the Relay for Life benefiting the American Cancer Society. I am already contemplating ending my blog (that has chronicled this journey) on that event. I can no think of more fitting finish then one that focuses on celebration, survivorship and hope.
High Ho Cancer …AWAY!
(I just had to add this photo – momisan was looking for a new wool coat, so I left her try mine on. Keep in mind that mom is 5ft6 and I am 6ft1 – is it me or does she look like Uncle Fester.
Which is pretty darn funny considering my cell phone ring tone for family is from the old Adam’s Family series…and for anyone that knows us, they will laugh at that comparison because it’s true…we are all about the fun people…all about the fun!)
(Momisan after hearing that beautiful word - NED!)
(Celebrating her victory over a nice piece of Tiramasu)