Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Chemo Brain – Fact or Fiction

When you go for chemo orientation, they introduce you to Chemo Brain – this is an actual, bona fide side affect of chemo therapy. Sometimes you become a little forgetful and may not be able to recall a certain conversation.

If you think about it, chemo kills all the cells including those hard working little brain cells, so it’s a miracle you can remember to put your underwear on the right way! ;)

This is where it is helpful to have a system – have a calendar exclusively for treatment and get yourself one of those pill boxes that will allow you to sort your meds by day and time.

If you are in a supporting role for a cancer patient, make sure you take the time to review the meds necessary for chemo treatment. You are the extra set of eyes – it’s good to let a cancer patient do as much as they can on their own, but there is nothing wrong with secretly double checking!

Chemo brain can be contagious. There were days that I could not remember if I fed the dog (or my husband) and while I could rattle off my mother’s information for all those flipping forms, I had to stop and think hard to recall what street I lived on!

I think it’s your body’s way of de-cluttering itself in times of stress. It was almost as if my brain would auto-delete things that were not important at this particular time. Thank you brain cells for putting things on auto-pilot and helping me out!

Helpful Hint:

Be prepared once chemo starts – there are days that you might have to repeat yourself, medical instructions or have the same conversation. Be patient; while you may think it’s frustrating … imagine how a cancer patient must feel.

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