Saturday, January 27, 2007

It's Genetic

My alarm clock buzzed a little bit earlier this morning. I had to allocate some extra time to swing by ye olde donut shop on the way to mom’s house. She wanted to bring her radiation therapists a little something for always being so nice to her. Mom just enjoys doing things for those who do for her. She’s always so appreciative, even for the smallest of things.

When I got to the house, I thought we were going to have an “off” day. Mom wasn’t feeling too well and after I grilled her like a cheese sandwich, she said she was feeling a little nauseous and thought it best if she brought her little pink bucket. I won’t go into great detail, but darn it...there will be no chunkage when I am behind the wheel. So as we were headed out the door, I had one of my brilliant epiphanies. I told mom she should get one of her anti-nausea pills that she was taking while getting the chemo. I hated the thought of her having to go through that tube for treatment, feeling queasy.

After mom popped her pill, we were off and half way down the tollway, it happened…the woman had a miraculous recovery and it was party on!

We arrived at Medical City early and after I unloaded mom, I went back for all her “stuff.” She said I looked like a pack mule since I was loaded down with her purse, my purse, two boxes of donuts, her sippy cup of water, her jacket and a bag of CD’s that she brought in order to share some music during treatment. Of course, she always insists on carrying something and I always tell her, it’s training for when I have kids and have to drag them and all their crap from point A to point B. :o) She thinks that’s the funniest thing ever!

I actually escorted mom through the “forbidden doors” and down the hallway. As we rounder the corner (donut fumes in tow), we saw her nurse and radiology therapist at the helm administering someone else’s treatment. They both said “good morning” and I told the nurse why I had deviated from the “patient only” protocol. She quickly replied that anyone bringing food gets a free pass. I left mom in the holding area and joined the other patient escorts in the outer sanctum.

Things moved pretty quickly today (they usually do on Fridays) and mom emerged from her treatment area with tears in her eyes. Like the Spanish Inquisition, I wanted to know why she was so misty. She told me they were happy tears, not sad ones. Mom said that soon after I left the “forbidden zone” her therapists had commented on how nice it was to finally meet me. That she had a beautiful daughter who looks like her mom and shares her same kind and loving spirit – WOW! I have them all fooled. ;)

After my mom told me all the nice things her medical team said, I came to a horrible conclusion…I have my mother’s Big Hambone gene. On the ride home, I referenced Jim Carey’s movie, Bruce Almighty. I told mom that not only was I... B-E-A-UTIFUL, but since I cured her nausea, I had a bit of Wylie E. Coyote…Super-geniuous sprinkled in. I looked over at mom and joking said, “You do realize that being this smart and pretty, is painful”? She looked at me, smiled and said, “Of course, I do. You take after your mother.” The woman is a riot and absolutely correct…I am a chip off the old parmigiano reggiano!

We stopped on the way home for lunch at Il Grano. Mom had the hankering for pasta salad and as we left, we broke into Italian song. Mom says it makes her heart full to see one of her kids embracing her culture. I told her I had to make sure I had it down so I could some day pass it along to little Giuseppe Conley! ;)

I dropped mom off at the Casa and we got her groceries put up, then sat out on the porch and enjoyed the gorgeous day. I even got her to pose for a few photos and a mini movie or two. I admit there are days that we have so much fun that for a little while we forget that she is battling cancer – and those are the moments that have become our most cherished memories.

Mom and I have a new acronym for ourselves – Team LoCo.
It’s very appropriate considering some of the adventures we have had during the past five months. For those of you that do not know, LoCo is a combination of my maiden and married name.

As I left Casa de Longo today, mom said that this was the best day she had and I would have to agree. Sometimes you just have to cut-up, act silly, embrace your goofiness and just enjoy the moment. So here’s hoping that each and every one of you all get a little LoCo this weekend – sing, dance and celebrate life like no one is watching.


(Hear a Message from Ida - Just Press the "Play" Arrow - make sure your speakers are on.)

Friday's Freaky Fotos!

Bald IS b-e-a-utiful!

We have follicles coming back!

Locks of Love - I told mom I would give her some of my follicles for transplantation! ;o)

Just another day for Team LoCo!

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