Monday, January 1, 2007

Never…Ever..Utter the Words

“Dear Lord, what else can happen” because God will prove to you that he has a sense of humor.

After we got my mom pointed in the right direction, I can remember someone (I can not recall who) uttered those exact words. I think they just come naturally in times of great stress or trying. Just know that at times, you will get an answer to that question!

Remember during my recap of infusion numero uno, I stated that my dad was not present because he had his own issues? Care to guess what that might have been? Come on….any takers?

For those of you that said cancer – you get the gold star for the day. Right after we started my mom’s treatment, my father was diagnosed with a rare eye tumor. I think it’s choroidal melanoma, but I could be mistaken – it’s hard to keep up with one parent with cancer, so imagine two!

I remember standing on the back porch looking at my dad, trying to figure out in my brain how the heck we were going to get through this new development.

Now, we knew that my dad was having an issue with his vision, but we were not really prepared for that. But as we told him later, if he had to get cancer, in true Longo fashion, he at least picked something from the rarely seen category!

I remember calling my brother (Andy) and (without beating around the bush) asking what his week looked like. When he asked why, I told him and said we would have to divide in order to conquer. I think we both broke down into impromptu laughter. Granted there was nothing humorous about out situation. But you know when you get to that point whether you laugh or cry? I don’t think we had anymore cry left, so laughter was the next best thing. :)

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