Saturday, December 30, 2006

ChemoSabe vs KemoSabe

Before you get too involved in my thoughts and commentary about being a cancer patient supporter, I would like to comment on my blog title – The ChemoSabe Chronicles.

Even though the Lone Ranger was before my time (really it was!), I have seen it when channel serving through one of my insomniac moments (which have been frequent as of late.) I found the entire Kemo Sabe reference rather interesting. Did it actually mean something or was it a made up word that just stuck?

Thankfully, googling provided me with that answer. It is believed that Kemo Sabe, roughly translated, means trusted friend or scout.

Cancer and its subsequent treatment can be overwhelming. From the medication schedule to the side affects, from hydration to nutrition and all the simple tasks in between, you really do need someone to scout ahead and keep the patient on point.

Thus was my transformation into my mom’s ChemoSabe and the thoughts and commentary on the following pages chronicles that journey.

High Ho Cancer …AWAY!

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