Saturday, December 30, 2006

Where’s Mom

Because it was so late, and apparently it had been a busy surgery day at Medical City, they decided to keep my mom in the post-op area for the night – more people to keep an eye on her.

Two of us were allowed to go in and give her a little kiss on the head and let her know we were there. My brothers unselfishly elected me to go with my dad. But on the way in, my brother Billy pulled me aside and handed me a statute of the Pope that he had bought downstairs in the gift shop and aksed me to give it to her (were Italian, as if being anything other than Catholic would come as a shock to anyone reading this blog.)

Now, in post-op recovery, you don’t have all those nice little tables and shelves to put your stuff on/in. So the attending nurse offered to hang the Pope on an empty IV pole next to my mom’s bed – Great and I did not even second guess that decision.

Gave mom a little smoochie on the head to let her know we were there and that everything went well …and off we went.

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